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App Overview

Is Kik safe for kids? An honest Kik review for parents.

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Updated April 4, 2023

App Overview

Kik is a popular mobile messaging app that allows users to send text messages, photos, videos, and other content to other users. The app has been around since 2010 and is available for download on both iOS and Android devices. While the app has many features that make it popular among users of all ages, it also presents some potential dangers to kids who use it.

One of the main concerns with Kik is that it allows users to remain anonymous. This means that anyone can create an account and use the app without providing any identifying information. While this may seem like a benefit to some users, it can also make it easier for predators to target children. Because users can hide their identities, it can be difficult for parents to monitor their child's activity on the app and ensure that they are interacting with safe individuals.

Another potential danger of Kik is that it allows users to join public groups and chat rooms. While some of these groups may be harmless and centered around common interests or hobbies, others may be more risky. For example, there have been instances of predators using public Kik groups to target children and solicit explicit content from them.

Additionally, Kik has been known to attract cyberbullies. Because users can remain anonymous, it can be easier for bullies to harass and threaten other users without fear of consequences. This can be especially dangerous for kids who may not have the emotional maturity or coping skills to handle cyberbullying.

While Kik does have safety features that allow users to block and report other users who engage in inappropriate behavior, it is important for parents to take an active role in monitoring their child's use of the app. This includes setting rules and boundaries around how the app can be used, monitoring their child's activity, and talking openly with their child about the potential dangers of using the app.

It is also important for parents to stay informed about the latest updates and changes to the app, as new features may present new risks. For example, Kik recently introduced a feature that allows users to share web links within the app. While this may seem like a harmless addition, it can make it easier for predators to share links to explicit content or malicious websites.

Overall, while Kik can be a fun and useful app for users of all ages, it is important for parents to be aware of the potential dangers it presents to kids. By staying informed and actively monitoring their child's use of the app, parents can help ensure that their child stays safe while using Kik.

Can Bark Monitor Kik?

Bark is able to monitor both chats and message attachments on iOS devices. On Androids, Bark can monitor text chats only.

Due to the potential risks of Kik, we recommend that parents strongly consider all the risks before allowing their child to use it. For more details than what’s listed here, take a look at our comprehensive app review as well as this blog post about how kids use Kik for a better look at its dangers.

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Other Ways Bark Can Help

When it comes to Kik, Bark gives you the power to choose when and if your child can use it, helping you to set healthy boundaries. Our custom screen time schedules even let you decide down to the minute when your kid can use Kik. Plus, you can change them easily at any time — you can even pause the internet entirely when they need a breather.

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