the fall guy movie poster

The Fall Guy: A Movie Review For Parents

Updated September 26, 2024


Overall Rating: ⭐ 2.5 / 5

Recommended Age: 14 and up

Before watching, here’s what you need to know about The Fall Guy — it’s an action-packed romantic comedy about a Hollywood stuntman who gets wrapped up in a bizarre murder off-set. Played by Ryan Gosling, Colt Seavers desperately tries to get himself out of the mess, all while trying to win a second chance with Jody Moreno, played by Emily Blunt. And of course, the movie is filled with some fantastical and jaw-dropping cinematic stunts. 

But what do parents need to know before allowing their kids to watch this movie? The TL;DR is that, given some adult references and themes, this movie is likely suitable for ages 14 and up. As always, it’s dependent on each kid and what you’re comfortable with. So that’s why we’ve got all the details covered below so you can make the best decision for your kids! 

Harmful Content ❗️


Since the movie centers around a mysterious murder, there are some unavoidable mature themes. Additionally, given its Hollywood context, the movie is full of grandiose displays of wealth, partying, and superficiality. However, a fair amount of the humor in the movie is poking fun at these things. 

Frequent scenes show drinking, reference to illegal substances (though characters are never seen taking these substances), and scenes where characters are clearly inebriated. 



The Fall Guy has large amounts of profanity. There are lots of uses of sh*t, one instance of the F-bomb, and multiple times where the middle finger is displayed.



This movie has very little sexual content or references. The main characters, Gosling and Blunt, are romantically involved and are seen kissing a handful of times throughout the movie. Their characters sometimes mention “making bad decisions together” and Gosling’s character says that Blunt’s character “looks good in nothing.” However, this is the extent of the sexual references. 



As an action movie, The Fall Guy is chock-full of crazy stunts and intense action scenes. Gosling’s character alone is seen in car crashes, getting lit on fire, thrown against a wall, hit by a car, in hand-to-hand combat, shot at with a gun, and more. The scenes, though shocking, are not overly gory or gratuitous. 

The scenes related to murder may be intense for some sensitive viewers. There is a dead body seen covered in ice in a hotel bathtub. The audience sees two characters have a plastic bag put over their head and dragged off-screen, followed by a gunshot.

Positive Value 💫


The Fall Guy is an easily enjoyable movie with lots of comedic relief and some cool stunts that’ll thrill any audience. This is mixed well with the endearing, heart-driven motives of Colt Seavers, who tries to win Jody’s affection. Colt’s character portrays perseverance as he constantly gets back up after a hard fall, both on and off the movie set. 

It may not have the most educational or formative value for teens, but it certainly makes for an entertaining movie night! And all kids could use one from time to time. 

So, should my kid watch it?

We’d say this movie is appropriate for teens around 14 and up. We hope this review helped determine if this movie is a good fit for your child!