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headshots of content creators; green background Parenting Tips

Here Are 10 Content Creators All Parents Should Follow

Allison Scovell  |  June 26, 2024

It’s no secret that parents could use a little help when it comes to keeping up with their children’s digital safety. You likely already know about Bark’s extensive resources to learn about all things tech, social media, and parental controls. But we also have to tip our hats to some powerful content creators in the family tech space who do an outstanding job educating parents on these very same topics. 

If you’re looking for reliable and easy-to-consume content in the form of an Instagram Reel or post, we put together a list of our top ten picks of content creators all parents should follow. Whether you’re looking for the latest internet trends, tips for setting up parental controls, or just need general encouragement while navigating digital parenting, these folks and organizations are a great place to start! 

1. Tanner Clark — @realtannerclark 

If you’re looking for someone who knows how to be the voice for both teens and parents, look no further than Tanner Clark. He’s been around the world giving motivational talks to thousands of high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. His content is not lofty or full of vague “You got this” statements — it’s real, practical, applicable advice. He speaks to the heart of the issue when it comes to teen’s self-esteem, especially where social media and tech are concerned. 

2. Tessa Stuckey — @themomtherapist 

For parents needing some hard-earned wisdom from a professional, Tessa Stuckey is a fantastic content creator. She’s a licensed therapist who’s worked with countless teens and parents. Her content exists right at the crossroads where family mental health and online safety meet. Her posts are encouraging and acknowledge how hard it is to be a parent today, while also making sure parents know how to make healthy decisions for their family’s digital well-being. 

3. Sarah Adams — @momuncharted 

When you watch Sarah Adams’s videos, you feel like you’re listening to a good mom friend share their passionate feelings about the dangers of the tech world for kids. It’s easy to tell she is well-researched, passionate, and unapologetic in talking about the state of child exploitation today. Her content focuses on the concerning norm of oversharing children’s lives online (aka, “sharenting”). If the tagline “kids are not content” resonates with you at all — she’s a must-follow. 

4. Toni Collier — @tonijcollier 

Toni Collier’s content and podcast all center around the message that you don’t have to be perfect to be a parent, but it’s important to use the best tools at your disposal to support your kids. Collier is very transparent about the hardships she faced due to exposure to inappropriate content that is rampant online today. So for her own kids and for the families who follow her, she shares all she knows when it comes to keeping kids safe online. Collier’s content is also Christian faith-based, so if that’s something important to your family, she’s definitely a content creator to check out! 

5. Chris McKenna/Protect Young Eyes — @protectyoungeyes

Chris McKenna is the founder of Protect Young Eyes, an organization dedicated to creating safer internet spaces for kids. McKenna has been relentless in his goal to educate parents about the harms of internet dangers and give them the tools they need to protect their kids. And there’s no doubt the PYE team’s work has made massive positive waves in this space. 

Parents can expect to find all the latest tech updates that are relevant to their kid’s safety. Everything from the most popular apps that kids are using, to new government policies related to online child safety and more. 

6. Scrolling2Death/Nicki Reisberg — @scrolling2death 

When it comes to kid’s safety on social media, Nicki Reisberg doesn’t play any games. With her podcast Scrolling 2 Death, she uses her platform to share as far and wide as possible all the ugly truths about social media. 

Her podcast episodes hit on many of the big topics surrounding the state of kids and technology today. In fact, she does a weekly “Big Tech Gut Check” episode that highlights the current happenings regarding social media and Big Tech. So if TikTok is being sued or a new bill is up that may help (or hurt) online child safety efforts, these short and sweet episodes are where you can find out about it.  

7. Parent Protech — @parentprotech 

When they’re not giving presentations at Apple advocating for kids’ digital safety, the team at Parent ProTech is constantly putting out content to help parents navigate their kid’s digital world. They offer courses, resources, speaking engagements, and more to empower parents to foster a healthy relationship between their kids and tech. All the while, bravely calling out Big Tech for better policies when our children use their platforms. 

8. Fight the New Drug — @fightthenewdrug 

The impact of porn on children’s brains is startling, but sadly the rate at which kids are exposed to it nowadays is even scarier. Fortunately, organizations like Fight the New Drug are putting in the hard work to fight against this current damaging trend. One thing you can expect from their content is that they stick to facts — no religious or political agenda, just what the science and research say. Their target audience is for all ages, not just kids, but they do have some powerful posts that speak to how porn is particularly harmful to developing brains. 

9. Dr. Larry Mitnaul — @doctormitnaul

Next up for licensed experts, we have Dr. Larry Mitnaul, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Based on years of real patient experience and his own experience of fathering seven kids, Dr. Mitnaul shares what he’s learned about how to manage the digital world within the family. But he’s not just posting on Instagram — he’s made guest appearances on popular talk shows and started his own online academy to equip parents as they raise happy and healthy kids.

10. Wait Until 8th  — @waituntil8th 

The mission of Wait Until 8th is simple yet powerful — to empower parents to wait to give their children cell phones until eighth grade. Their content provides parents with the research they need to stand their ground in delaying this important milestone. Their website will even help you start a pledge in your very own community to get other parents on board. Delaying social media or a phone until eighth grade may not be possible for all families, but if that’s something you’re committed to following for your own family, this is absolutely a resource to check out! 

How Bark Can Help

After following all of these content creators, you’ll notice how many of them strongly advise parents to use some kind of parental control tool to actually enforce healthy tech boundaries in their homes. That’s where Bark comes in! With Bark, you can monitor for concerning messages, 

create screen time schedules, block inappropriate content, track location, and so much more! Try Bark for free with a 7-day trial to see how it can give you unmatched peace of mind while your child explores their online world. 

Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

mother and daughter discussing Bark Parental Controls