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Bark Turns 9: Nine Employees on What Makes Bark Special

Haley Zapal  |  July 05, 2024

This week, Bark turned 9 years old — we’re almost to double-digits! It’s been an incredible journey that started way back in 2015 when our only product was a monitoring app. Fast-forward to today, and we have over 100 employees, multiple parental control offerings, and a safer kid’s smartphone that was named to TIME magazine’s best inventions of 2023.

In honor of this celebration, we interviewed nine team members about what makes our company special, and every answer is heartfelt, inspirational, and 100% a reflection of the wonderful and talented people who make Bark possible. We’re incredibly fortunate to have a team so dedicated to our mission, and it’s one of our greatest strengths. 

What do you think sets Bark apart from other places you’ve worked?

“Bark doesn't feel like "just a job" — we're a family. Many of us are parents ourselves, and we truly do care about our mission and helping to keep families safer online. We have an amazing team culture where we band together across departments and roles to communicate, innovate, and make great things happen. I always feel heard and valued. Things move fast here at Bark, as technology is always changing and evolving; there's never a dull moment for sure! We've got an amazing group of passionate humans and it's clear that we sincerely care about our mission and what we do. How great is it to wake up every day and do what you enjoy?! It's not a chore, it's not work, it's meaningful and important.”

—Jodie S., director of community

“I go to bed each night knowing that we protected and potentially saved lives. I never got that flipping burgers. If anything, it was the opposite. Thanks, cholesterol.”

—Whit H., vice president of data annotation & escalation

“We actively listen to and deliver on the requests and suggestions of parents. Their concerns are truly our concerns and we do everything we can to be a resource for parents looking for help guiding their kids through childhood in the digital world.”

—Uduak I., senior growth motion designer

“The thought, care, and consideration we put into everything we do are what make Bark special. We truly see our customers as individuals and understand that they are trusting us with what matters most to them — their child. As an employer, Bark embodies these same values. I have never felt so supported, heard, and understood by an employer before working here. We are a team of driven, smart, hilarious, and empathetic individuals, all 100% behind Bark's mission to help keep kids safer. Every day, I feel great knowing I'm working towards a common goal with my entire company.”

—Dara F., head of people and culture

“Bark is the only place I've worked where EVERYONE is aligned on a mission. We all do different jobs and tasks, but we all aim to help keep kids around the world safer online. It doesn't get better than that!”

—Carrie M., customer success manager

“Bark is a company with a mission that makes real change for the families we serve. It is very rewarding to see that your daily work has such an impact in our society.”

—Beto V., senior customer support manager

“I think Bark outshines any place I’ve worked for in tons of ways — but what comes to mind first is that our team genuinely cares for the families we serve. We know that what we do impacts real stories and lives, which fuels just how dedicated we are to producing stellar work!”

—Allison S., online community manager & content coordinator

“Everyone who works (or has worked) here has been an amazing person in one way or another. …or many. I don't know that I've ever been on a team that's as universally friendly, helpful, talented, and kind.”

—Christopher Y., staff engineer

“It's all about our mission and our team! Everyone genuinely cares about what we’re doing, so it feels like we’re all in this together, making the digital world safer for families.”

—Renee A., regional sales manager

What is your favorite project or task that you’ve worked on here, and why?

“This is more of an ongoing "task", but I genuinely enjoy communicating with our Bark families on social media and listening to their requests and needs, and then directly sending their feedback to our development team for product updates and new features. It's always a huge win and a very proud feeling when our development team then takes that customer feedback and directly implements new updates or product features, and I know that I played a role in making that happen — making Bark better for our families, from our families!”

—Jodie S., director of community

“Helping to create the alert process, then seeing it in action, has been very rewarding. Knowing that something you're a part of is protecting children? That's a pretty special project.”

—Whit H., vice president of data annotation & escalation

“My favorite project that I worked on would have to be the Bark Phone animated ad. From the visuals to the music choice and editing, I love the way it turned out!”

—Uduak I., senior growth motion designer

“Bark Week! I've been lucky enough to help plan this event every year since it started (we recently started planning the seventh Bark Week!), and it's always such a rewarding experience. I absolutely love coming up with fun ideas to foster connection and build our company culture in person. As a remote team, it's rare for us all to be in one place, so this week is really special.”

Employees often tell me that Bark Week is their favorite part of our culture. When the week finally arrives and I see everyone socializing, laughing, and working together, it fills my heart with pride. Knowing that we're building a strong culture and ensuring our employees feel connected and happy is so fulfilling and truly contributes to our mission.”

—Dara F., head of people and culture

“Now, it may sound corny, but really every project/task. I especially love getting to speak to customers over the phone — especially the ones who are going through difficult times and seem very frustrated. By the end of the call, they are loving Bark and look forward to using it more. I love being able to share my experiences with Bark and how our family has used it over the last 7 years.”

—Carrie M., customer success manager

“My favorite task is helping and guiding parents to achieve online safety goals for their children. The tech world is vast and often overwhelming. It is always an honor to have the opportunity to orient fellow parents on this journey, and it is very rewarding to see them feel empowered and confident after each tech support interaction.”

—Beto V., senior customer support manager

“One of my favorite projects is the content reviews I get to write! Everything from movies to TV shows, books, podcasts, YouTubers — it’s a lot of fun finding out what’s most popular with Gen Z/Gen Alpha right now and helping parents keep their kid’s media appropriate for their family.”

—Allison S., online community manager & content coordinator

“I love being able to build tools to make our team better, faster, and… something other than "stronger," lest this become a clichéd reference. Our team works super hard on so many things, and any time I get a chance to improve things for customers, I try my best to make it happen.”

—Christopher Y., staff engineer

“My favorite project for Bark has been Tech Nights. The opportunity to connect with parents and let them know they are not alone in their struggles with kids and tech has been incredibly fulfilling. Bark is here to help and I love spreading that message.”

—Renee A., regional sales manager

When is a specific time you felt proud to be a part of Bark?

“We often get teenagers and pre-teens reaching out in comments and messages to Bark on our social media. Many times they are usually upset, or express feeling sad or alone. It's always a proud moment when I thoughtfully sit with my words and respond to help them, and occasionally they will respond with grateful, positive feedback that they felt heard and helped. There was a specific young girl and I remember our detailed, lengthy conversation where I provided her tips and resources, and she was very kind and grateful. Teens are people too, so I always call it a win when I can help them out.”

—Jodie S., director of community

“Obviously, I'm always proud to be part of Bark, but there are certainly moments that take it up a notch. I can clearly remember every single meeting or call I've had with a parent or school official in which they've shared an averted crisis that Bark helped prevent. Those are powerful, humbling moments, and I am thankful to be part of them.”

—Whit H., vice president of data annotation & escalation

“When we launched the Bark Phone back in 2022. I was so proud of what the creative/marketing team and Bark overall was able to do in such a short time to get the first ever Bark Phones on the digital “shelf” for parents to purchase for their kids. It was an incredibly difficult task made all the better by everyone bringing their skills and determination together and knowing that in the end we created an amazing product that gives parents the power to protect their kids.”

—Uduak I., senior growth motion designer

“I can think of a million times I’ve felt proud to be part of Bark. We're part of an incredible mission, and every time I read a customer testimony or hear a story about how our product helped a child or family, my pride swells. Most recently, I was thrilled with our placement on the Time Best Inventions list. Seeing the Bark Phone evolve from an idea to reality has been incredible. I know the hard work our team put into making this happen. The product is brilliant and will have a major impact on society, but having it recognized by such a prestigious organization was truly amazing.”

—Dara F., head of people and culture

“My first week as a customer support manager, we had a mother reach out needing assistance with connecting her daughter's phone for monitoring. Her daughter was in the hospital, recovering from attempted suicide, and the mother desperately needed to get the phone connected for monitoring, so they would be aware if/when their daughter may attempt self-harm or suicide in the future. Brian (Bark’s CEO) asked me to call her personally and although I was used to calling customers, I felt intimidated and worried I would fail to help this desperate mother. Once I got on the call, the mother was crying and asking for help — I took a deep breath and with confidence, I was able to help her and her daughter. This was the most fulfilling moment for me. The daughter was able to leave the hospital a few days later, and the mom felt comfort knowing that Bark would help keep her kiddo safer even during this dark time.”

—Carrie M., customer success manager

“When I wear Bark swag outside and parents reach out to thank the company for our technology and feel comfortable sharing their stories on how Bark helped protect their children from life threatening situations.”

—Beto V., senior customer support manager

“I feel proud to be a part of Bark any time I meet someone in real life and get to explain to them what Bark is all about. Without fail, people are always amazed at our mission and I get to unashamedly plug the work we do.”

—Allison S., online community manager & content coordinator

“Our team is incredibly supportive of each other, especially in times when some have needed it the most. There have been some hardships over the years, and it's been comforting to see how everyone takes care of each other.”

—Christopher Y., staff engineer

“A school told us they found three confirmed cases of self-harm (on school accounts!) within the first week of using Bark. Without our alerts, the counselors said they would’ve had no way of knowing these students needed help.”

—Renee A., regional sales manager

Bark helps families manage and protect their children’s digital lives.

mother and daughter discussing Bark Parental Controls