screen grab of a nigahiga video

Nigahiga: A YouTube Channel Review For Parents

Updated September 5, 2024


Overall Rating: ⭐ 2.5 / 5

Recommended Age: 13 and up

One of the YouTube giants from the 2010s that saw massive success is Nigahiga, created by Ryan Higa. His channel made up of comedy sketches and parodies garnered millions of viewers and subscribers — 20.9 million subscribers, in fact. Despite Higa’s huge and loyal following, he decided to pause posting on this channel in 2020. But even without new content, his channel remains popular among the younger crowd. So if your child has come across this channel and you’re curious if it’s safe for them, keep reading to learn everything you need to know! 

Harmful Content ❗️


As mentioned, Nigahiga’s YouTube channel mostly featured various comedic sketches in the form of songs, skits, and more. Peak humor during this era of YouTube was often over-the-top, purposely ridiculous, and even a bit edgy. Nigahiga’s content was certainly entertaining in this way and mostly harmless. Some videos of his, for example, include “How To Hide Your Farts” and “The Ultimate Parkour.” However, some videos include insensitive jokes or depictions of adult situations such as drinking or partying. For example, in his “Honest Commercials” video, he makes an honest beer commercial where he pretends to be drunk.



Nigahiga’s language is generally appropriate, with the occasional innuendo or mild adult language. If there is a swear word, it’s almost always censored.


References to sexual jokes are not frequent on Nigahiga’s channel and are not explicit. There is no other sexual content or nudity in his videos. 



The only violence on this channel is slapstick comedy, which is always presented in an exaggerated, unrealistic way. 

Positive Value 💫


Nigahiga’s channel can be characterized by two main themes: the importance of being creative and doing whatever makes you laugh or happy. Watching his videos, you can tell he unashamedly and organically creates content that he enjoys. And based on his subscribers, tons of other people also love it! So kids watching his videos can be inspired to create things that make them happy, no matter what anyone thinks. Whether it’s videos, art, stories, or anything else — as long as you enjoy it, it’s worth it. 

So, should my kid watch it?

We recommend that Nigahiga’s channel is appropriate for ages 13 and up. Given that some of the sketches can be crude or include adult humor, we’d say this largely depends on your family’s personal values and the maturity level of your child.