If your kids love interesting history and weird science facts (even if they’re a little gross), then Sawbones will be right up their alley! It’s described as a medical history podcast, which may sound a bit bland at first. But husband and wife podcast hosts Justin and Dr. Sydnee McElroy review some of the strangest medical practices from history in an equally hilarious and fascinating fashion. Running for over 500 episodes, it’s safe to say Sawbones has been consistently answering the odd medical questions we’ve all been asking.
Even though Sawbones is generally described as a wholesome, family-friendly podcast, we took a deep dive into their episodes to find out if it’s safe for kids. Here’s what we found.
Harmful Content ❗️
As you can imagine, strange medical topics can get into bizarre territory quickly. You can expect some straight-up gross topics and content. However, in general, Justin and Sydnee keep things fairly PG. Every now and then, there’s an episode that is mature enough that the hosts preface it with a content warning. For example, the episode “Mr. Reich’s Sexbox” has a note at the beginning of the episode that this one is best not to listen to with kids around.
Some topics address substance use such as an episode about medical marijuana and alcoholism. These are usually discussed appropriately but also casually between the hosts.
The hosts keep their episodes profanity-free, so parents don’t have to worry about adult language when their kids listen to Sawbones.
Episodes include topics like pregnancy tests, erectile dysfunction, Brazilian butt lifts, and others similar. These topics naturally discuss some bodily functions that may not be appropriate for younger audiences. We suggest screening some of these episodes first to be sure they’re appropriate for your child to listen to.
Sawbones has very little violent content. Some content may be somewhat graphic though, especially episodes about botched or gruesome medical procedures. Younger or sensitive audiences may find this too intense, but this will vary by child and family.
Positive Value 💫
Sawbones is a perfect mix of educational and entertaining. Each episode feels like sitting with a couple of friends who love googling interesting science facts and discussing them. Justin and Sydnee bring a casual yet well-prepared conversation to their listeners for every topic. Tons of kids have found their attention captivated by Sawbones while growing their love for science at the same time.
So, should my kid listen to it?
We think this podcast is great for around 12 and up! This age may vary depending on your family’s values, but we hope this review helped provide some context to know if this is the right fit for your child.