Closing the gap for underserved students with safer, AI-powered phones
Learn how the Bark Phone brings safer technology to teens served through federal programs.
Cellphones are a lifeline for underserved students
Low-income families depend on cell phones to stay connected, yet there remains a massive gap in access.
Limited tech access hinders
a child's ability to:
The Bark Phone provides consistent access for vulnerable students
Alerts for trafficking, sexual predation, and more
Dangerous app blocking
24/7 location tracking
Contact management to keep out scammers and strangers
Hot spot creation for online access
Content monitoring
Provide better outcomes and innovate with the Bark Phone
Minimize risks
Help prevent issues and recidivism related to technology
Keep up with technology
Digital health is becoming a must-have for every treatment center
Differentiate your center
Our advanced tech solutions will help you stand out from the competition
Ready to learn more?
We’d love to chat with you about how to bring Bark Phones to your organization to better protect your students.