What Bark monitors
Bark monitors the following directly on your kid’s device:
Photos & videos
Web browsing
Bark monitors these email clients on Android:
AOL MailSent emailsReceived emailsImage attachments
Ready to monitor AOL Mail?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s AOL Mail login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
ComcastSent emailsReceived emailsImage attachments
Ready to monitor Comcast?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Comcast login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
GmailSent emailsReceived emailsImage attachments
Ready to monitor Gmail?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Gmail login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
OutlookSent emailsReceived emailsImage attachments
Ready to monitor Outlook?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Outlook login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
iCloud EmailSent emailsReceived emailsImage attachments
Ready to monitor iCloud Email?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s iCloud Email login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
Bark monitors these apps on Android:
BandGroup chat messages (text chat only)Individual direct messages (text chat only)
Ready to monitor Band?
Bark automatically monitors Band on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
ChatGPTChats and responses (text only)
Ready to monitor ChatGPT?
Bark automatically monitors ChatGPT on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
DiscordChannel chat messages (text chat only)Group direct messages (text chat only)Individual direct messages (text chat only)
Ready to monitor Discord?
Bark automatically monitors Discord on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
Ready to monitor Dropbox?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Dropbox login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
FacebookPosts on your child’s timeline (text and images)
Ready to monitor Facebook?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Facebook login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
FlickrPhotosComments on photos
Ready to monitor Flickr?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Flickr login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
Google DriveGoogle Docs, PDFs, documents, and text filesComments and replies (in Google Docs)Photos and videos
Ready to monitor Google Drive?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Google Drive login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
GroupMeGroup messagesDirect messagesImages and videos in both
Ready to monitor GroupMe?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s GroupMe login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
HollaText chats with matches
Ready to monitor Holla?
Bark automatically monitors Holla on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
InstagramDirect messages (text only)Searches (text only)
Ready to monitor Instagram?
Bark automatically monitors some Instagram activities on connected Android devices with the Bark Kids app installed. Sign up for Bark today.
KikChats (text only)
Ready to monitor Kik?
Bark automatically monitors Kik on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
Messenger KidsDirect messages (text chat only)
Ready to monitor Messenger Kids?
Bark automatically monitors Messenger Kids on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
OneDrivePDFs, Office documents, and text filesComments and replies (in Office documents)Photos and videos
Ready to monitor OneDrive?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s OneDrive login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
PinterestYour child's profileImages and descriptions they pinDMs and group chats (text only)Searches (text only)
Ready to monitor Pinterest?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Pinterest login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
RedditDirect messages
Ready to monitor Reddit?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Reddit login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
RobloxSent chatsContent searches
Ready to monitor Roblox?
Bark automatically monitors Roblox on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
SkypeDirect messages (text only)Group direct messages (text only)
Ready to monitor Skype?
Bark automatically monitors Skype on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
SlackIndividual direct messagesGroup direct messagesPrivate channels
Ready to monitor Slack?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Slack login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
SnapchatDirect messages (text chat only)My AI chatSearches
Ready to monitor Snapchat?
Bark automatically monitors Snapchat on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
SpotifySong lyrics
Ready to monitor Spotify?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Spotify login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
SteamChat messages (text only)
Ready to monitor Steam?
Bark automatically monitors Steam on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
TikTokDirect messages (text only) Note: TikTok automatically disables direct messages for kids under 16.
Ready to monitor TikTok?
Bark automatically monitors TikTok on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
TumblrPhotosChatsLinksPhoto postsQuotesAnswersBlog posts
Ready to monitor Tumblr?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Tumblr login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
Twitter/XDirect messages
Ready to monitor Twitter/X?
Sign up for Bark and enter your child’s Twitter/X login info to start monitoring. We also have step-by-step instructions for adding an account to Bark.
VSCOChats (text only)
Ready to monitor VSCO?
Bark automatically monitors VSCO on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
Ready to monitor WhatsApp?
Bark automatically monitors WhatsApp on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
YouTubeVideos your child posts (Age 13+)Comments on their videos (Age 13+)New videos from your child’s channel subscriptions (Age 13+)Views and searches
Ready to monitor YouTube?
Bark automatically monitors some YouTube activities on connected Android devices. For comprehensive coverage, just enter your child’s YouTube login info. Sign up for Bark today.
Bark monitors these browsers on Android:
Google ChromeWebsite visitsSearchesIncognito browsing
Ready to monitor Google Chrome?
Bark automatically monitors Google Chrome on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
Default BrowsersWebsite visitsSearchesIncognito browsing
Ready to monitor Default Browsers?
Bark automatically monitors Default Browsers on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
FirefoxWebsite visitsSearchesIncognito browsing
Ready to monitor Firefox?
Bark automatically monitors Firefox on connected Android devices. Sign up for Bark today.
Get the only phone with Bark built in
Designed from the ground up with safety in mind, the Bark Phone will change the way you think about a kid’s phone.

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